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  Our Teachers    

Brian Evans   

More experienced students


Although Brian has a degree in music he is the first to admit that holding a piece of paper does not necessarily make a good musician or teacher. He has honed his skills playing in many different situations: bands, theatre work, recording, music festivals, samba festivals, etc.  It is this experience that  Brian feels is more valuable than any piece of paper. He is the leader of 'Wirral School of Samba' who regularly perform at events and festivals throughout the North West. His teaching experience is also varied as he started his teaching work in 'Wirral Metropolitan College' on a light music course, then went on to join the local music service teaching in many schools in WIrral. As well as currently teaching around schools he and Cerri Sheridan, who also teaches at the studio, deliver samba drumming workshops for schools and business.

Younger pupils and beginners


Cerri is particularly good with younger pupils and she likes to make her lessons fun as well as challenging. She has a BTEC in popular music and currently works with 'Wirral Youth Theatre' delivering samba drumming workshops. She has entered pupils  for graded exams and has a 100% pass rate with all her pupils. Although keen to work with pupils to enter exams so they have the proper grounding in drum styles, technique, reading music, rudiments etc she also works with students on drum covers so they can play along to their favourite bands and favourite styles of music.

Cerri Sheridan   


Monday - Friday 5:00am -9:00pm

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112 Liscard Road, Wallasey. WIrral CH44 0AA

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